How this website works

This website is genereated with Hakyll, a static site generator written in Haskell. I’ve always wanted to try out Haskell, so I took this as an excuse to finally do it, mainly going off the standard site that hakyll initializes automatically and the various tutorials linked on the Hakyll site. Haskell’s syntax and concepts are still quite foreign to me, so given my background I keep mumbling “A monad is just a monoid on the category of endofunctors” to try to understand what’s going on.

These are the haskell imports

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
import           Data.Monoid (mappend)
import           Hakyll
import Hakyll.Core.Store (hash)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta, nullAttr)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, walkM)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), MathType (..), Pandoc)
import Text.Pandoc.Options      (ReaderOptions (..), WriterOptions (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (compileTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc (HTMLMathMethod (..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)

Compiling Tikz pictures §

A very convenient feature is being able to integrate TikZ graphics into code blocks and have them get rendered automatically, without having to wrestle with LaTeX and PDF to Image converters. This is achieved by the following code, adapted from [Bar-19], except that out of personal preference my version writes the generated SVGs to files instead of using data: URLs. See below for an example:

As an enhancement over the version presented in [Bar-19], my setup supports commutative diagrams by applying the tikzcd tag to the code environment, this is implemented by passing the appropriate template name to the convertTikz function defined below:

convertTikz :: Block -> Identifier -> Compiler Block
convertTikz (CodeBlock (id, classes, namevals) contents) templatename = do
  let name = "/images/tikz/" <> hash [Text.unpack contents] <> ".svg"
  let filename = "_site" <> name
  unsafeCompiler $ createDirectoryIfMissing True "_site/images/tikz"
  makeItem contents
     >>= loadAndApplyTemplate templatename (bodyField "body") . fmap Text.unpack
     >>= withItemBody (return . pack 
                       >=> unixFilterLBS "rubber-pipe" ["--pdf"] 
                       >=> unixFilterLBS "pdftocairo" ["-svg", "-", filename ] 
                       >=> return . unpack)
  return $ Para [Image (id, classes, namevals) [] (Text.pack name, "")]

Then we just need to define which template gets passed for which tag, which is easily doable using pattern matching. For now, both conventional tikzpictures and commutative diagrams both share the same tikzpicture CSS class in the output, but this may change at a later date depending on my needs.

tikzFilter :: Block -> Compiler Block
tikzFilter (CodeBlock (id, "tikzpicture":extraClasses, namevals) contents) = convertTikz (CodeBlock (id, "tikzpicture":extraClasses, namevals) contents) "templates/tikz.tex"
tikzFilter (CodeBlock (id, "tikzcd":extraClasses, namevals) contents) = convertTikz (CodeBlock (id, "tikzpicture":extraClasses, namevals) contents) "templates/tikzcd.tex"
tikzFilter x = return x

Adding a BibTeX Bibliography §

Another key feature of this Hakyll setup is the ability to add a bibliography to each post for academic pretentiousness. The setup is based on the one described in [Zorm23], but simplified slightly. It also enables section links, as described in [Twee20]. It also enables MathML output in Pandoc, as at least current (as of late 2024) LTS Firefox do a decent job at rendering it and I don’t really feel like overcomplicating the whole math rendering affair with JavaScript or Server-side rendering solutions.

myPandocBiblioCompiler :: Compiler (Item String)
myPandocBiblioCompiler = do
  bibFile <- load "bib/bibliography.bib"
  cslFile <- load "bib/style.csl"
  let wOptions = defaultHakyllWriterOptions
          writerHTMLMathMethod = MathML
    >>= readPandocWith defaultHakyllReaderOptions
    >>= pure . fmap (setMeta "link-citations" True)
    >>= processPandocBiblio cslFile bibFile
    >>= walkM tikzFilter
    >>= pure . fmap (addSectionLinks . insertRefHeading) >>= pure . writePandocWith wOptions
    insertRefHeading :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
    insertRefHeading = walk $ concatMap \case
      d@(Div ("refs", _, _) _) -> [Header 2 ("references", [], []) [Str "References"], d]
      block                    -> [block]
    addSectionLinks :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
    addSectionLinks = walk f where
      f (Header n attr@(id,_,_) inlines) | n > 1 =
        let link = Link ("", ["section-link"], []) [ Str "§" ] ("#" <> id, "")
        in Header n attr (inlines <> [Space, link])
      f x = x

Compiling the Site §

In this section we actually compile the site, these rules follow largely the standard website created when running hakyll-init. Note the rule for site.lhs, which generates this page from the source code of the generator itself using the same approach as [terr24]. Another departure from the standard site was enabling scss compilation to avoid repeating myself in the stylesheets.

Another feature is exif metadata stripping, which is applied to all in the images/strip_location/ folder, which makes sure that the exif metadata is stripped from images taken at locations that should not be disclosed, while keeping the location info intact where it is not relevant for privacy.

main :: IO ()
main = hakyll $ do
    match "images/strip_location/*" $ do
        route $ gsubRoute "/strip_location" (const "")
        compile $ getResourceLBS >>= withItemBody (unixFilterLBS "exiftool" ["-gps*=", "-"])
    match "images/*" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler
    match "bib/style.csl"        $ compile cslCompiler
    match "bib/bibliography.bib" $ compile biblioCompiler
    match "css/*.css" $ do
        route   idRoute
        compile compressCssCompiler

    match "css/styles.scss" $ do
        route   $ setExtension "css"
        compile $ getResourceString >>=
          withItemBody (unixFilter "sass" ["-s", "--scss"]) >>=
          return . fmap compressCss

    match "static/*" $ do
        route idRoute
        compile copyFileCompiler

    match (fromList ["about.rst", "contact.markdown"]) $ do
        route   $ setExtension "html"
        compile $ pandocCompiler
            >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
            >>= relativizeUrls

    match "posts/*" $ do
        route $ setExtension "html"
        compile $ myPandocBiblioCompiler
            >>= saveSnapshot "content"
            >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html"    postCtx
            >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" postCtx
            >>= relativizeUrls

    create ["archive.html"] $ do
        route idRoute
        compile $ do
            posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
            let archiveCtx =
                    listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`
                    constField "title" "Archives"            `mappend`

            makeItem ""
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/archive.html" archiveCtx
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" archiveCtx
                >>= relativizeUrls
    match "site.lhs" $ do
      route $ customRoute (const "hakyll-setup.html")
      compile $ myPandocBiblioCompiler
        >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" defaultContext
        >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" defaultContext
        >>= relativizeUrls

    match "index.html" $ do
        route idRoute
        compile $ do
            posts <- recentFirst =<< loadAll "posts/*"
            let indexCtx =
                    listField "posts" postCtx (return posts) `mappend`

                >>= applyAsTemplate indexCtx
                >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" indexCtx
                >>= relativizeUrls

    match "templates/*" $ compile templateBodyCompiler

    create ["rss.xml"] $ do
      route idRoute
      compile $ do
        let feedCtx = postCtx `mappend` bodyField "description"
        posts <- loadAllSnapshots "posts/*" "content"
          >>= recentFirst
        renderRss feedConfiguration feedCtx posts

postCtx :: Context String
postCtx =
    dateField "date" "%B %e, %Y" `mappend`

feedConfiguration :: FeedConfiguration
feedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
  { feedTitle       = ""
  , feedDescription = "Antonia's thoughts"
  , feedAuthorName  = "antonia"
  , feedAuthorEmail = ""
  , feedRoot        = ""

References §

Taeer Bar-Yam: Hakyll + TikZ.